Occasionally the Beloved brings me a poem that I can’t resist. This is one by my friend Logan Jo’el.

The Beloved Physician

I have nothing and am too happy, they say.
Why does he smile so often, what drug or wine does he imbibe?
My body aches at the end of the day, yet I rest without qualms.
Some babies actually envy my sleep for I don’t fall asleep, I fall in Love.
I’m not the only one though, just one of many who have met The Beloved Physician,
Who heals from the marrow of one’s bones to the sheaths surrounding us.
The Beloved Physician told me this:
“Take all prescriptions as directed, but don’t forget to read between the lines. That perhaps is the easiest remedy for all aches and pains.”
“Exercise your Heart for at least five minutes a day, adding minutes as you feel stronger.”
“Dwell on what you love most every moment you can to relieve unnecessary burdens.”
“You may share a dose with someone who may need it but be wise. If necessary, consult with The Beloved Physician, or refer them to My Office.”
“Most importantly rest as much as possible . . . yes, rest in My Arms.”
Oh, the fee you ask? It’s nothing really, just the life you no longer wish to bear.
Your trust, willingness and sincerity are the only insurance The Beloved Physician will need to see.
With these in place no dis-ease stands a chance.
All else will be delivered to you through the care of Love,
Especially what you have sought after so ardently . . . your Freedom Here and Now.
Look within your Heart to schedule an appointment.

Logan Jo’el works in shipping, what he calls “simple and peaceful work.” He lives in Boston, Massachusetts, with his Bulgarian wife and their daughter. In 2000, he became a student of MasterPath under the tutelage of Sri Gary Olsen. Of this he says, “I could resonate with the Light and Sound teachings as expressed in MasterPath because I finally felt with all my heart I was where I needed to be. What drives and inspires me? Love!”

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